Community involvement
Commercial aggregate and industrial sand mining has taken place in LaSalle County for over 100 years. While the rural nature of LaSalle County has changed significantly due to economic growth, some mining companies in the County are now surrounded by this growth, and are changing with the urban landscape.
LaSalle County aggregate and industrial sand producing companies and their employees are heavily involved in the day-to-day lives of their neighbors and work hard to be good corporate citizens. For example:
Enhancing mine site appearance utilizing signage, paved entrances, landscaping, berms, and good housekeeping practices
Addressing environmental compliance matters - dust control, water Issues, noise, trackout and spillage of materials, trucker problems
Maintaining "good neighbor" practices
Educating students, the general public and dialogue with special interest groups
Interaction with government officials
Volunteering for special projects
Donating materials and sponsoring community organizations and events
Participating in advisory councils, like the LaSalle County Mining Coalition, and neighborhood committees adjacent to their operations
Providing good-paying jobs at the local level, including the trucking industry
Supplying the region with high quality materials at competitive prices
These are some of the LaSalle County organizations that have benefited from mining companies’ contributions of volunteer time, goods, services, sponsorships, and monetary donations:
Camp Tuckabatchee, Inc
Central Illinois Memorial Kidney Fund
Central Immediate School
Children’s Miracle Network
Community Food Basket in Ottawa
Community Unit School District #2
Cops 4 Cancer
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of LaSalle County
Dayton Bluff Preserve
Easter Seals of LaSalle & Bureau Counties
Five Loaves and Two Fish – Bethany Lutheran Church
Freezin’ for a Reezin’
Habitat for Humanity
Hegeler Carus Foundation
Illinois Adopt-A-Highway program
Illinois Foundation FFA
Illinois Valley Area Chamber of Commerce
Illinois Valley Center for Independent Living
Illinois Valley Community College Foundation
Illinois Valley P.A.D.S.
Illinois Valley YMCA
Illinois Veterans Home in LaSalle
IUOE Local 150 Food Bank
Junior Achievement
LaSalle County Court Appointed Special Advocates
LaSalle County Farm Bureau
LaSalle County Regional Office of Education
Marquette Academy
Neighbors Park – Utica
North Central Illinois ARTworks
Oglesby Ambulance Association
Ottawa Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry – Welcomeburger event
Ottawa Crushers Kids Wrestling Club
Ottawa Downtown Merchants
Ottawa Elementary School District #141
Ottawa First
Ottawa High School
Rotary Park in LaSalle
Salvation Army
Serena High School
St. Margaret’s Hospital Foundation
Trinity Catholic Academy
United Way of Eastern LaSalle County
University of Illinois Extension Office
Utica Community Fire Protection District
Utica Little League
Village of Naplate
Waltham Elementary School PTCC
Waltham Presbyterian Church
Wedron Park
Willey World Community Productions
Woodland High School
Youth Service Bureau of Illinois Valley
Professors, students, and researchers in science, environmental studies and geology from the following schools and institutions have furthered their studies at quarries in the County:
University of Illinois at Chicago
Knox College
Illinois State Geological Survey
Serena Grade School
Sheridan Grade School
Harding Grade School